女 中国
2017-04-25 14:00:02
- 英文分组 分享你想要的/爱心
- [ 你毁我清白 。]
- You destroyed my innoce
- [ 却不能给我未来]
- But can't give me
- [ 我爱你如命。]
- I love you like life
- [ 你似当我有病。]
- Do you like when I am si
- ---------------------------
- While I was still
- [ 趁我还在 ]
- While I still love
- [ 趁我还爱 ]
- The girl
- [ 姑娘 ]
- But will come back
- [ 可不可以回来 ]
- ---------------------------
- You said,
- 你说
- I do not want you,
- 哪天我不要你了
- you must not marry,
- 你一定终身不嫁
- let my life-long guilt.
- 让我内疚一生.
- ----------------------------
- To strive
- - 去奋斗
- to seek
- - 去追求
- to f
2017-04-25 14:00:02